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The 22nd Donaucup is an open international Kendo clubs tournament for teams and individuals

Download the invitation here / Einladung hier herunterladen


Vienna Kendo Club

Kenshikan Vienna


Saturday April 21st, 2018 9am – 5 pm Individual Kids 6-7 years
Individual Kids 8-10 years
Individual Kids 11-13 years
Individual Kids 14-16 years
Individual Ladies
Individual Men
After the closing ceremony ~ 5-8pm Dan examinations
1-3rd dan
Sunday April 22nd, 2018 9am – 5 pm Team Matches
– 6pm Ji-Geiko


Participation Kids EUR 10 per person
Participation Individual- or Ladiesmatches only EUR 25 per person
Participation Team matches only EUR 25 per person
Full package (Individual- + Teammatches) EUR 40 per person

Fees have to be transferred to IBAN: AT906000000009653135, BIC: OPSKATWW  by April 20h, 2018 at the latest. In the case of no-show fees will not be reimbursed. Prices include one lunch package per participant.

Free Shinpan Seminar with Uwe Kumpf, 7th Dan

On Friday 20th of April (5-8pm, hall 3 in the main building of the BSFZ Südstadt) there will be a free shinpan seminar with Uwe Kumpf, 7th dan.
Everyone can join the seminar. 3rd dan and above as shinpan and below 3rd dan as fighters.
To ease the organisation please register for the seminar.


Please register here by April 17th, 2018 latest. Any entry submitted later will not be accepted.


Sleeping in the dojo is not possible.

Sayonara party

The sayonara party will take place at the Braugasthof Fabrik, Ortsstraße 8, 2331 Vösendorf. Start: 6:30pm
Please register to ease the booking of the restaurant, payment not including.


The matches are subject to the „Regulations of Kendo Match and its Refereering“ of the FIK and EKF, including the Anti-Doping Rules.

Individual matches

Ladies and men separated, Poolmatches and competition in k.o. modus. The number of participants advancing from the pool matches to the competition will be anounced on start of the competition.

Team matches

Ladies and men mixed, teams of 5. Teams should be composed of members of one club. Poolmatches and compettion in k.o. modus. The number of teams advancing from the pool matches to the competition will be anounced on start of the competition.
The organizers are entitled to form „Ronin Teams“.


The organizers accept no liability!

Yudansha may be asked to do shinpaning as required.