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2018 Magglingen Jodo Seminar, Jodo Referee Seminar, Swiss Open Jodo Taikai + Gradings plus Iaido Seminar + Gradings with

René van Amersfoort 7th Dan Iaido Kyoshi, 8th Dan Jodo Kyoshi

Jock Hopson 7th Dan Iaido Kyoshi, 7th Dan Jodo Kyoshi

Aad van de Wijngaart 7th Dan Iaido Kyoshi, 7th Dan Jodo Renshi

Takao Momiyama 7th Dan Iaido Renshi, 7th Dan Jodo Renshi

Karl Dannecker 6th Dan Iaido Renshi, 7th Dan Jodo Renshi

Danielle Borra 7th Dan Iaido Kyoshi

Jef Heuvelmans 7th Dan Jodo Renshi

Philippe Merlier 7th Dan Iaido Renshi

Henry Schubert 6th Dan Iaido Renshi

Claudio Zanoni 6th Dan Iaido Renshi

Nicola Casamassima 6th Dan Iaido Renshi

Stefano Ferro 6th Dan Iaido


Where:  Toto Sports Hall, BASPO Sports-Center, Hohmattstrasse, 2532 Magglingen, Biel, Switzerland


Programme, 5th to 8th April 2018

Thursday 5th April:     09:00 – 17:30 Jodo Seminar

Friday 6th April:         09:00 – 17:30 Jodo Seminar, Jodo Referee Seminar, Swiss Open Jodo Taikai and gradings up to 5th Dan

Saturday 7th April:     09:00 – 17:30 Iaido Seminar and gradings up to 5th Dan

Sunday 8th April:        09:00 – 15:00 Iaido Seminar


Seminar fees

Jodo or Iaido:                                        40.00 SFr / 34.00 € per day

Complete seminar Jodo and Iaido:      140.00 SFr / 120.00 € (4 full days)



Bella Vista Hotel, 1, 2 and 3 person rooms: 30.00 SFr / 25.00 € per person per night.

Swiss Olympic Hotel, 1 or 2 person rooms: 60.00 SFr / 50.00 € per person per night.

The quantity of places are limited so please register early.



Breakfast:              12.00 SFr / 10.00 € per person per meal

Midday lunch:        15.00 SFr / 13.00 € per person per meal

Evening meal:        15.00 SFr / 13.00 € per person per meal


Grading fees (grading fee + registration costs)

2nd Kyu (Iaido):                 20.00 + 20.00 SFr / 17.00 + 17.00 €

1st Kyu (Jodo or Iaido):    20.00 + 30.00 SFr / 17.00 + 25.00 €

1st Dan (Jodo or Iaido):    30.00 + 40.00 SFr / 25.00 + 34.00 €

2nd Dan (Jodo or Iaido):   40.00 + 50.00 SFr / 34.00 + 42.00 €

3rd Dan (Jodo or Iaido):   50.00 + 60.00 SFr / 42.00 + 50.00 €

4th Dan (Jodo or Iaido):    60.00 + 90.00 SFr / 50.00 + 76.00 €

5th Dan (Iaido or Jodo):    90.00 + 130.00 SFr / 76.00 + 110.00 €


Grading registration deadline :  26th March 2018.



Please register on this Google Form, I will then confirm your details and the total amount you need to pay.  Here is the link:

If you have any problems with this form or any questions please contact me on or +41 79 258 3752.


Payment details (all costs to be paid by 31.03.2018)

IBAN: CH 46 8069 8000 0142 0208 4             Swiss Kendo + Iaido

SIC BC Number: 80698                                    Raiffeisenbank Aarau-Lenzburg

Swift-BIC: RAIFCH22                                       Stéphane Tomo Jud

Girixweg 44

5000 Aarau



Cancellations must be announced by email or telephone to ( or + 41 79 258 3752) by 4th April 2018 for a full refund. If you do not cancel or do not attend the seminar, no refund will be made.


We look forward to seeing you in Magglingen.

Best regards,
